
“The girl was walking up a path from below the road. Just as she met the road she glanced in Dorji’s direction. He immediately looked back down at his feet and pretended he hadn’t seen her. The tune he had made up in his head had disappeared completely. “

Dorji is just another ordinary Class IX boy growing up in rural Bhutan. Like many other Bhutanese boys his age he likes playing football with friends and watching action movies but is not very fond of public speaking, reading books or thinking about where the future might take him.

 However the Class IX turns his life upside down and Dorji soon finds himself wanting to make changes that will take him in surprising new directions.

 The author, Alex Rothman, grew up in New Zealand, where he worked as secondary teacher. He lived in Bhutan in 2015, where he taught in a government school. This fiction novel is inspired by his experiences there. 
