Folded into a Paper Boat

“In 2014 poetry was identified as one of the main culprits for the dismal English board exams in which the average Bhutanese class twelve student earned less than 50%. “

“We have poems of love and longing. We have poems that are funny and others that are sad. There are poems about family, Bhutanese history, the natural world and Thimphu’s ubiquitous stray dogs….We hope this is the beginning, we hope that this collection only adds to the real power of poetry to express, to connect and move.”

This is the first ever compilation of Bhutanese poetry. Poems are by Dipika Chhetri, Gopilal Acharya, Karma Luday, Manju Wakhley, Pema Choezom, Sadon Lhamo, Tandin Wangmo, Tashi Gyeltshen, Tashi Pem, Tenzin Phuntsho Namgyal, Tshering Norbu, Urvashi Sharma, Ustav Khaiwara.

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